Yonsei Cardiovascular Research Institute

  • Date of Establishment : June 10, 1991
  • Director : Yangsoo Jang, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Number of Researchers : 70
  • Main Research Areas

    The Cardiovascular Research Institute conducts basic and clinical research for the purpose of preventing cardiovascular disease, developing new therapeutic approaches and thereby promoting the health of population. The main areas of research are cardiovascular genetics, signal transductions, proteomics, organ transplantation, and stem cell therapy for audiogenesis. Ongoing projects are cardiovascular genetics, gene and stem cell therapy for revascularization, identification of the molecular mechanism of atherosclerosis, development of antithrombotic agents, development of cardiovascular device, and organ preservation. The institute also conducts the clinical trials to evaluate the new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and operates educational programs on cardiovascular research for basic scientists, physicians, and students. This institute is very active in cardiovascular research, collaborating with other international research institutes and holding several international symposiums.